A 'lister' is sent to each selected block with the object of creating a list of all HUs within the block cluster. At this time a determination of habitability is made for each HU based on standardized definitions and criteria. Once the block cluster is listed, the lister consults a table to determine how many housing units to sample based on the difference between the expected number of housing units (the number recorded during the 2000 census) and the actual number of housing units recorded from listing. In urban parishes, five (5) HUs are sampled in each block cluster and in rural parishes 10 HUs are sampled in each block cluster. However, if the number of expected housing units differs significantly from the number of actual housing units listed, the lister is instructed to sample additional housing units. Additional sampled housing units are selected in increments of five (5) with a maximum of 20 sample housing units selected for one block cluster. Once the lister determines the number of HUs to select, he/she refers to the appropriate random number table and selects the row which corresponds to the actual number of housing units listed. This row in the random number table instructs the lister which habitable housing units to select based on their order on the listing sheet. The lister then leaves a doorhanger survey packet at each sampled HU. The doorhanger packet includes a request for participation from the Governor of Louisiana and the Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, a Frequently Asked Questions sheet, a copy of the survey, and a postage-paid envelope with which to return the completed survey by mail. |